About Us

What is Arya Samaj?

Arya Samaj is a spiritual way of living with a universal message of peace and happiness. Its ethos is captured in its ten guiding principles based on Vedic teachings that point to a better living. Arya Samaj is a global phenomenon that attracts the young and old alike, sometimes from other religions, for its simple, logical and contemporary thinking on God, spirituality and values of life. It finds resonance with educated, middle-class professionals as it revolts against the horrors of organised religion. Arya Samaj promotes true Indian culture and national spirit; instilling feelings of pride and patriotism for country.

About Us

Arya prathimidhi sabha A.p. and Telangana is an appex body representing all Arya Samajas in A.P. and Telangana. Arya Samaj Laxmi nagar is affiliated and registered by Arya Prathimidhi Sabha A.P. and Telangana. Arya Samaj Laxmi nagar is established in 1984.

How you can contact us

Just call at +919701270173 for details